Sunday, November 27, 2022

A familiar pang


Sadly, I felt the all too familiar pang of disappointment yesterday at the DPP’s poor showing at the local elections, although I felt more sorry for the cat who was curled up on the sofa and unusually quiet as the results rolled in.

I am no stranger to such disappointment, coming as I do from an innately conservative country where the ‘establishment’ has been building on itself for hundreds of years. 

In the UK it is the establishment of the rich and titled, public school educated so called elite. In Taiwan it is the KMT and those used to wielding power during the troubled times of Martial Law and in the years after as that rich and privileged strata of society retained power by dint of influence and money. 

So there tends to be a strong demographic at work as the older generation generally display a deference to the establishment, for whatever reason, which is something I have never understood but is nevertheless true. One essential in Taiwan is to lower the voting age to eighteen, but, of course, the establishment will resist this. 

The cat and I went to the polling place early yesterday and judging by the number of older people voting and several wheelchairs, my first comment was that it did not look good for the DPP. 

The turnout was low which is no surprise as these local votes, like the local elections in the UK or the midterms in the US, do not spark as much enthusiasm as they should, but that is a fact of life and something you need to accept.

That said, voter apathy among young people is an ongoing issue with many disillusioned with older generation politics and a sense of helplessness, or just a lack of interest, leads to them just not bothering to vote. This is a global problem and Taiwan is no different to many other democracies. I’m personally in favour of mandatory voting although even those countries which have it seldom enforce it vigorously. Australia being perhaps the most famous of these.  

I’ve had my fair share of disappointment with the stupidity of Brexit and the Brits voting a classic establishment figure like Boris Johnson into office with a huge majority. Both of which I found profoundly depressing.  

Whether voting for the establishment is caused by dogma, habit, or peer pressure the only thing to do is keep interested, get out and vote and don’t allow setbacks reduce your enthusiasm to keep the establishment orthodoxy on the backfoot.

Tinkerty Tonk...



因此無論出於何種原因,從年齡層來看,老一代通常都表現出對所謂“建制派”的尊重,這是我從未理解但仍然是事實的現實。這次投票,台灣的一項重要改變是將投票年齡降至 18 歲,但當然,建制派會抵制這一做法。



這也就是說,年輕人對投票冷漠是一個持續存在的問題,許多人對老一輩的政治感到失望,無助感或缺乏興趣,導致他們根本懶得去投票。 這是一個全球性問題,台灣與許多其他民主國家沒有什麼不同。 我個人贊成強制投票,不過即使有強制投票的國家也很少大力執行,澳洲可能是其中最著名的。



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