Saturday, September 25, 2021

The uphill battle to critizise the Taiwan administration


I’m starting to feel even more sorry for the opposition parties in Taiwan. Every day they hurl criticism at the administration only to make themselves look petty and foolish.

Most of their brickbats serve only to highlight what an excellent job the President and her team are doing. By global standards, a world-beating performance during the entire Covid crisis and an economy that is only intact but doing well is amazing when you compare with what is happening elsewhere in the world. 

I lived through the entire Covid crisis in Taiwan and constantly had messages from friends in the UK about how awful things were there. The UK is a developed G7 country with a fully mature democracy and has three times the population of Taiwan, by contrast,  Taiwan is a young democracy and not even recognised by the United Nations.

The global list of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, Taiwan ranks 25th, the UK 37th and the US 15th. Make no mistake, Taiwan already plays alongside the big boys when it comes to economic performance when allowing for its size and population.

If you build on this thought and consider Taiwan has political pressures from abroad that would horrify the likes of the UK and the US, it holds its own amazingly well on the world stage. 

There is always room of criticism, but look at the UK where gas prices have just surged over 400 percent, the supermarket shelves are empty because of Brexit and Covid, hospitals are full, taxes are being raised, petrol is being rationed and a major topic in the press is whether there will be enough toys and food for the Christmas celebrations in a few months time. I weep for the country of my birth and the shocking state it finds itself in now...all the fault of the administration.

I hear the opposition in Taiwan saying “We should be like other countries.” Whatever the subject, albeit Covid, vaccinations or the economy...I think not. Other countries are largely getting it wrong for all sorts of reasons. Taiwan is a bastion of stability in a world slowly going mad and becoming more unstable. 

So feel some sympathy for the opposition parties when they rant and rave and stamp their feet. They really don’t have anything to criticize and must be hugely frustrated. 

It’s a little like telling Leonardo da Vinci he didn’t get the eyes quite right on The Mona Lisa.  

Tinkerty Tonk...



他們大多數的攻擊,其實都只突顯出台灣總統和她的團隊表現其實是很出色的。就全球標準來看,甚至與世界其他地方正在發生的情況相較,台灣對 Covid 病毒的控制,期間維持經濟運作甚至表現良好,令人驚艷。

過去兩年我住在台灣,疫情期間不斷收到來自英國親友的消息,告訴我那裡的一切有多糟糕。英國是 G7 發達國家,有完全成熟的民主,人口是台灣的三倍。相比之下,台灣是一個年輕的民主國家,甚至沒有得到聯合國的承認。





所以當我聽說台灣反對黨要求,“我們應該像其他國家一樣”時,不論他們指的是 Covid、疫苗或經濟,我認為他們不知道自己在說什麼。從各方面看來,其他國家在很大程度上都犯了錯誤,在這個正在慢慢變得瘋狂並越來越動盪的世界上,台灣是一個穩定的堡壘。



Tinkerty Tonk...掰掰

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