Sunday, May 1, 2022

You can almost taste Mayor's desperation


It was a quiet Sunday morning in the Cat/Squirrel household with both proofreading ahead of this month's book launch...

Then the Cat went berserk.

When this happens I know with around 90 percent certainty who is at the bottom of it…yep, it’s that whacky knockabout dude, the man with a blender in his brain…Mayor Malfunction.

As the end of his reign as Mayor comes to an end, his desperate attempts to remain in the public eye seem to have reached a level where meaningless gibberings now pass off as comment to the media, who are having even more fun than usual baiting him. 

He is a gift of laughter which keeps on giving in terms of entertainment, and he appears to crave attention so badly his next move might well be to strut into the centre of the Taipei Main Station surrounded by his band of girlies… and drop his trousers. It would get attention, and mean nothing…pretty much like most of his antics. 

His latest half-hearted attempt at gaslighting the public he is saying Taiwan’s top epidemiologist doesn’t write his own Facebook posts. An accusation apparently pulled out of his ass with not a shred of evidence. He plays shameless and pathetic political games. The joke is he seems to misguidedly thinks he would make a good leader. 

His other meaningless utterance was “knowledge in the books is one thing, execution is another”. Which is a bit rich coming from someone who has constantly flaunted his paper qualifications from the first day he started campaigning as Mayor back in 2014 and has constantly harped on about ever since. 

So I guess he also means we can ignore Einstein because he never actually executed on any of his theories to prove them.  

I don’t remember any Covid policy moves by him other than to complain about what the Health Minister was doing and failing to put forward viable alternatives. I also seem to remember him standing back and expecting the Government to do everything for him on Covid, and also his second in command actually refusing to pick up the phone when the Health Minister called. 

Is he really now saying he did a good job during Covid? This is gaslighting in the first, second and third degree. He is guilty of nothing ie. doing nothing except carrying out what the Government told him to. 

I have a strong feeling we can soon forget about this buffoon. Once he stops being Mayor the media will be too busy with the new one to bother with him and he, his ragtag party and motley band of followers will wander off into the political sunset…hopefully never to be seen again.

Then maybe some peace can return to the Cat/Squirrel household.     

Tinkerty tonk… 

這種情況發生時,我大約有 90% 的把握知道是誰在作怪……是的,就是那個奇奇怪怪腦子裡裝著攪拌器的人,故障的市長先生。
另一句評論台灣第一名的醫學科學家,毫無意義的話是:書上知識是一回事,實際作戰是一回事。這從他嘴裡說出實在有點厚顏,因為就我所知從 2014 年他開始競選市長的第一天起,他就一直在炫耀他的學歷,並且從那以後還一直在不斷地喋喋不休。
除了不斷抱怨衛福部長的所作所為,卻沒有提出他自己可行的替代方案外,我不記得他採取了任何有建設性的 Covid 政策舉措。我似乎還記得他的副市長在 Covid 期間,拒絕接衛福部長打來電話時。
所以他現在真的是在說他在 Covid 期間什麼都做得很好嗎?這根本就是一級、二級和三級的煤氣燈效應。我不知道他做了什麼,除了一些政府已經在做的事。
Tinkerty Tonk… 掰掰。

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