Thursday, November 10, 2022

Corrupt, or just a childlike simpleton out to insult us

I don’t know if you have caught any of my recent pieces on various political shenanigans, but as the days go by I seem to be undergoing a shift in my emotional response, in terms of the way I view them.

The cat still flies up to the ceiling and gets angry, but to be honest I think I left anger behind months ago. I’ve moved from anger at the outright corruption, through incredulity at the utter shamelessness, and am now settled in a bleak despair at examples of behavior more suited to an attention seeking eight year old. 

Even this is now giving way to a feeling of being downright insulted by the transparent stunts these people actually think we will fall for. They really do seem to believe we have all just fallen-off a Christmas Tree, and they have given up even trying to be a little bit clever. 

A 38 year-old Ann Kao had the affront to emerge from a medical facility with an IV line still attached to her arm. Oh, and the sleeve of her baggy shirt conveniently rolled back to make sure all the cameras caught that she had been made so terribly ill by the criticism she brought on herself through her shameless and entitled behavior. As sad stunts go, it was a doozy.

It’s hard to conceive a more obvious antic to garner sympathy in a pathetic attempt to distract from her petty cash scam, moonlighting and not giving proper credit in a doctoral university paper. Of course, the rest of the TMD misfits lined up to defend her, but that is normality in the clown-car of deviants the party is.

They are laughing at us, and really do appear to think we are all so dumb as not to see through such simplistic and childlike games. I feel insulted, and I’m sure you do too.

Grow up guys, at least make a bit of an effort, you really are embarrassing yourselves now. 

Tinkerty Tonk…  

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