Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Brain Fart from Mr Mayor

It’s been a while since I had to scrape J off the ceiling, well at the moment given we are in France it would be…le plafond.

All was calm across the breakfast table until the dullard who somehow managed to become Taipei Mayor, had another mental ‘episode’ and insisted Saturday’s referendum on pork imports were nothing to do with trade with the United States. 

We are all well used to non sequiturs from this dumbbell, but frankly this latest brain-fart really takes the biscuit. I almost joined J… sur le plafond. 

No matter that pretty much all 23.57 million of his fellow countrymen and women know full well the referendum question is all about American pork imports and everything to do with trade with the United States, in his simple-minded way he felt the need to point out the referendum question doesn’t actually include the word American, or United States. 

Even by his own prestigious and far-reaching levels of unsurpassed stupidity, this is an attempt to clear a record high-bar of witlessness. He conducts a rhythmic symphony of stupid, which is generally only surpassed by the inane utterances of his minions and immediate family.

This is the guy who constantly boasts about how smart he is. I have many times pointed out Dunning-Kruger, his innate narcissism and accompanying God Complex. 

His latest claim that he was a frustrated genius at school because he could not skip grades and forge ahead - odd then, that he had to retake a university entrance exam - was cosmically idiotic. 

A true genius, Professor Stephen Hawking once said. “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”

Enough said……….

Tinkerty Tonk… 

我已經有一段時間沒有把 J 從天花板上刮下來了,現在我們在法國,天花板的法文是 le plafond。

今天早餐桌上的一切都很平靜,直到那個不知道用什麼方式成為台北市長的笨蛋 (dullard) 又有個精神方面的小插曲 (mental ‘episode’):他堅稱週六的豬肉進口公投與美國無關,因為公投主文裡沒有美豬兩個字。

我們都已經習慣了這個笨蛋 (dumbbell) 的無厘頭推測,但坦率地說,這個最新的 brain fart 絕對拔得頭籌 (takes the biscuit),連我都差點就加入J 衝上天花板了。 

儘管他的2357萬同胞們幾乎都心知肚明,豬肉公投的問題是關於美國豬肉進口以及與美國貿易有關的一切,但他頭腦簡單 (simple-minded) 地覺得有必要指出:公投文字並不包括美豬這個詞。

即使以他高人一等 (prestigious) 無遠弗屆 (far-reaching) 的愚蠢程度來看,這個發言清除了先前所有難以超越的愚蠢記錄 (clear a record high-bar of witlessness)。他指揮著一首有節奏的愚蠢交響曲 (rhythmic symphony of stupid),這個曲目通常只有他的嘍囉 (minions) 和直系親屬可以超越。



真正的天才史蒂芬霍金教授曾經說過:  “吹噓自己智商的人是失敗者。”


Tinkerty Tonk 掰掰

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