Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Book/Food Tour



With an empty car and an equally light heart we recently set out for our book launch tour, looking forward to meeting some of our online friends in this somewhat odd virtual world of relationships we all inhabit these days.

Little did I know that six days later I would be struggling in 35 degrees under the hot Kaohsiung sun to pack a mountain of food and other gifts from those kind enough to attend the book signings. 

I still wonder about the Taiwanese obsession with food. I guess I come from a country where the food is so crappy I’d not give it as a gift to anyone.

Why did Britain bother to conquer most of the world over a couple of centuries and ship home mountains of rare and exotic spices to stick with a diet like this? 

Although I have to say the one thing there I still love is HP sauce.

While I have long fallen out of love with stodgy British food, I do have to wonder about some of fads when it comes to the regional foods in Taiwan. 

Tainan, for example, and their apparent obsession with making everything they eat, sweet. 

Seafood is my absolute favourite and as we tucked into a dish of squid in Tainan, which was, of course, sweet, I casually asked the question "Is there a historical reason Tainan favours sweet food, is it because there was sugar cane grown here?"

Apparently not. So I'm still intrigued as to why and if anyone knows, perhaps they would be good enough to enlighten me in the comments section. 

We had huge support from all our friends and also from the Mayors of Tainan and Kaohsiung  who were kind enough to send messages of support and flowers. One display was as tall as I am so it was impossible for us to take in the car. I hope it remains in place and gives pleasure to visitors to the venue in the days and perhaps weeks to come.

My hope is we can do this again with the next book…

Hope to see you then.

Tinkerty tonk…


我沒想到的是八天後,我在 35 度的高雄烈日下苦苦掙扎,試著把那些好心來參加新書會的讀者送給我們,像一座小山那麼高的一大堆食物和其他各式各樣的禮物擠進車子裡。

即使住在台灣一陣子了,我依舊無法理解台灣人對食物的痴迷。 可能是因為我來自一個食物如此糟糕的國家,我絕對不會把食物當作禮物送給任何人。



海鮮是我最喜歡的食物,新書會結束後朋友帶我們去了台南一家歷史悠久的海鮮餐廳,一群人圍坐在騎樓下的圓桌,竟然被一位路過的讀者認出來!我夾起一塊三杯魷魚,當然是甜的。我隨口問了一個問題:台南喜歡甜食是否有歷史原因,是因為這裡種了甘蔗嗎? ?

顯然不是。 所以我仍然感到好奇,如果有人知道,也許可以留言啟發我。


盡地主之誼送來鮮花,台南的那盆蘭花和我一樣高,我們根本不可能把它塞帶進車裡帶回家。 我希望它保持原樣,並在未來幾天甚至幾週內,讓接下來參觀的遊客感覺賞心悅目。


Tinkerty tonk…掰掰。

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