Friday, August 13, 2021

Captain Kovid loses it again...

The more I see and hear about Captain Kovid the more I see someone frustrated with his chosen path in life, and someone unable to cope with that chosen path.

Aside from often stating the blindingly obvious to an audience he can only consider to be morons, displays a staggering level of contempt. This, with almost tantrums on camera that he is right and everyone else is wrong brings to mind an unruly toddler refusing to go to bed. 

For someone with Presidential ambitions, as misguided as they may be, this kind of behaviour looks sad and desperate, and demonstrates that he really thinks he deserves to be in that position, no matter what the electorate thinks. I’ve written about this complex in earlier pieces. 

To see someone start to lose it like this so early in the campaign is telling. He is already turning into Mr Angry and that’s because he is trying to criticise an administration that’s actually doing a great job and that he really has no better ideas. Look at the US, look at the UK, look at Europe if you want to see administrations that are letting their populations down over the Covid issue.

I’m still extremely glad I’m here, not in one of these other places.  

Earlier in the Parliament, Minister Chen said he took full responsibility for the controversy over the short Covid isolation for pilots which may have contributed to the latest little outbreak.

Ko attacked this quite gracious acceptance of accountability by saying “The minister said in parliament that he would take full responsibility. Not until yesterday I realised why he said he would be responsible. Because it seems he doesn't have to be responsible. I'm done. Huh!”

Then he slammed down the microphone. This from someone who appears to never want to be accountable for anything and always blames someone else when things go wrong for him.  

Decorum is a useful English word that means - behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety. It is more often used in English prefaced with the word ‘lack’ to describe someone who behaves badly and with little respect. Ko certainly lacks decorum. 

Many people let their tempers get the better of them at times. I just wonder if someone who can’t seem to control himself and act with a little more decorum in a minor press conference will be able to control himself if he ever manages to gain a higher position.

Can you imagine someone with such a short fuse in the same room as another world leader? What might he blurt out, what might he get angry at and say something disrespectful?

Whether these little temper tantrums are a symptom of frustration that he is way behind in the polls, that he just can’t cope with the pressure and responsibility of his current job, or that his God Complex is getting so out of control that he’s really not thinking all that straight, is open to question. 

To my’s likely all three.

Tinkerty Tonk…  

《 Captain Kovid 又發脾氣了》

關於 Captain Kovid,我看到和聽到的越多,就越發現到有人似乎對他選擇的人生道路感到沮喪,他似乎也無法面對所選擇的道路。



有人在競選活動甚至還沒開始就像這樣失控,跟我們說明了點什麼。他已經變成了憤怒先生,因為他試圖批評一個實際上做得很好的政府,而且他真的沒有更好的想法。如果你想看到政府在處理 Covid 問題上如何讓人民失望,你可以看看美國看看英國,看看歐洲也可以。



台北市長抨擊了衛福部長優雅概括承受全責一事,他說陳時中在立法院說要對 3+11負責,「我到昨天才知道為什麼他說他負責,因為他看起來是不用負責的嘛,講完了,哼。」然後他砰的一聲放下麥克風。 


Decorum 是一個有用的英語單字,意思是符合良好品味和禮儀的行為,英語中常用在以 lack 缺乏一詞為前提的句子,用來形容行為惡劣且不尊重他人的人。台北市長當然是缺乏禮貌的。





Tinkerty Tonk…  掰掰。

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