Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blood Sports


I’ve never been a fan of blood sports like bull-fighting, fox-hunting, or hunting in general for that matter.

I find it cruel and unnecessary with the only real excuse for indulging in them is to get some kind of perverse pleasure in supposedly outsmarting one of our dumb chums in the animal kingdom. 

Now, while it may be true that sometimes you meet people and think “Wow, my cat is way smarter than this person”, broadly speaking blood sports take the form of a much greater intelligence and intellect pitting itself against a creature that largely functions on instinct alone.

So now when I hear “Peggy has said this..” or “Now, she has said that..” or hear uncontrolled giggling and “Oh my god, now she has said…” I get a little more worried that Mumbai is enjoying a rush of bloodlust as she hammers a creature of low intelligence and intellect which largely functions on instinct alone.

Although I guess in the case of Puerile Peggy, it cannot strictly speaking be called a blood sport as with blood sports the low intellect half of the act has no choice in the matter. A bull does not choose to enter the ring to be stabbed to death, a fox does not decide to be chased and torn apart by dogs, a goose does not decide to be blasted out of the air in a shower of blood, guts and feathers.

So why does PP, who appears to be not playing with a full deck, choose to set herself up in the way she does? Is it fair of me to criticize Mumbai for what is the internet equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel?

I guess another reason I should not be worried is that perhaps both sides of the Facebook Fisticuffs are getting something out of the blood being spilled. One side a purely sadistic pleasure... and the other a bizarre masochistic fulfillment of public humiliation on a regular basis. 

Maybe it’s a win-win. 

Tinkerty tonk…  

《 血腥狩獵》





其實這個「幼稚佩琪」( Puerile Peggy ) 的遊戲,嚴格來說不能被稱為血腥狩獵,因為在真正的血腥對決中,智商較低的一方在此事別無選擇。例如公牛不會選擇進入鬥牛場被刺死,被獵狗追趕撕喉不是狐狸的決定,野鵝不會選擇進入狩獵遊戲被獵槍射中,讓自己的內臟和羽毛在空中炸飛血肉模糊。

那麼,為什麼「幼稚佩琪」自願選擇進入這種情境之中,而不好好出牌呢?再仔細想想,我擔心批評孟買在網路上玩著相當於在水桶裡打魚 (shooting fish in a barrel) 是公平的嗎?

我想我不應該擔心的另一個原因是,當血流成河時,在臉書上拳打腳踢 (Facebook Fisticuffs) 的雙方可能都得到了一些東西。一方面是純粹的虐待滿足,另一方則是受到定期公開羞辱時的奇怪自虐滿足。


Tinkerty tonk… 掰掰。

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