Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Terry Kuo - Taiwan's Joke politician


If you don’t find Terry Kuo funny, you have no sense of humour.

This strutting buffoon plays his role as one of Taiwan’s leading joke politicians so well that part of me hopes he sticks around a while longer. If he wasn’t so politically dim as to be potentially dangerous for Taiwan if he gets any real power, that is.

His latest drivel had me chuckling, as it again reminded me of the kind of pompous and arrogant Chinese rhetoric we have heard over the years. It is also akin to the kind of gaslighting China is a past-master at, like the “When did patient zero begin in the US?” from Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian in a now-infamous tweet. “It might be the U.S. army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan.” 

Absurd, yes, but that is Terry Kuo all over. His latest piece of colossal overstatement and rather sad gaslighting attempt being “The self-righteous goodwill of the DPP government is leading the people to a dark hell where it is multi difficult to even eat an egg.”

I mean, it’s not even good gaslighting. His minders should really have a word with him to raise his game.  

Aside from not being true, as there are eggs to be had without too much difficulty, no one is in a “Dark Hell” because they didn’t get their breakfast egg. It’s clownish in its absurdity because the overstatement is akin to the big red nose, huge yellow curly wig, massive shoes and baggy striped trousers that Coco usually wears to make the children laugh.  

Take a look at the UK where bird flu has also created a bit of a shortage of eggs and supermarket racks are devoid of certain vegetables. The shortages - which are affecting Ireland too - are largely the result of extreme weather in Spain and north Africa, where floods, snow and hail have affected harvests. Yep, really nothing to do with the government and politicians and the media are saying that. 

Contrast that with news that Taiwan's foreign minister Joseph Wu and the country’s top security people are in Washington for a meeting with US officials. The local press lead with Kuo’s eggs nonsense and not the more vital issues that keep us all safe from oppression.

To directly quote the Foxconn Wikipedia page. “While headquartered in Taiwan, the company earns the majority of its revenue from assets in mainland China. 


Speaking of vegetables, pea-brain Terry wants to pitch again for the presidential nomination. Having thrown a toddler-like tantrum the last time the KMT decided not to go with him, when he threw his toys out of his pram and stalked away to sulk for a few years, he seems to think he’s in for another shot.

If the KMT are smart (no guarantees there I guess) they will ignore this political has-been. 

Kuo revealed he had once been instructed by the sea goddess Mazu in a dream to run as a candidate in the 2020 presidential election…So she would approve if he just retired to somewhere nice on the coast and went fishing all day. (Hey, Terry…the thin bit of the rod points towards the sea…you hold the thick end.) 

Tinkerty Tonk…







看看英國,那裡的禽流感也造成了雞蛋短缺,超市貨架上連蔬菜也沒有。 短缺也影響到愛爾蘭,主要原因還有西班牙和北非的極端天氣,洪水、雪和冰雹影響了收成。是的,真的與政府無關,英國的政治人物和媒體一致同意。


我查了一下富士康的維基百科頁面:雖然總部位於台灣,該公司的大部分收入來自中國的資產。 嗯,我一直很喜歡 FoxConn 這個名字的諷刺意味,因為 con 在英文裡的意思。

言歸正傳說到蔬菜,我就想到一個英文的形容詞 pea-brain,是用來形容很笨的人。這個豌豆腦上次因為國民黨決定不提名他,他就像蹣跚學步的孩子一樣大發脾氣,把玩具從嬰兒車裡扔出來,然後大步走開。悶氣生了幾年後,他好像認為他的機會又來了。


