Saturday, April 9, 2022

Pessimism and Politics can't be Partners

An optimist is someone who believes we are all moving towards a better world. 

A pessimist is someone who thinks we have already arrived. 

If there is one value a politician needs to have coursing through their veins in gallons, it is optimism.

If a politician is a defeatist they have no place in the political field.

They are a porcelain hammer. From the outside they look tough, solid and perhaps pragmatic, but on the inside weak and unwilling to fight and strive for better things and will shatter into a million pieces if tested. 

Of course, I’m leading up to something…

Step forward Alexander, Huang Chieh-cheng who recently said of the planned visit by Speaker of the House of Representatives, third in line to being the leader of the free world if anything happens to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, that her visit to Taiwan “will not directly and substantially help Taiwan's national defense and security." 

It’s hard to overstate the monumental irony that this was said by - wait for it - the KMT’s representative to the United States. 

Imagine for a moment professor pea-brain’s first meeting with important US officials to supposedly push for Taiwan’s better interests in the world. 

Perhaps in terms of closer integration with the world's most powerful nation and maybe at least trying to perhaps persuade them to maybe think about how else they can help to protect this small island of a mere 23 mln people from the giant bully that is China.

But no, he already thinks it's a lost cause. 

“Oh Hi guys, nice to meet you, this will be a short meeting because you know I have already said it won’t make any difference or change anything at all for Taiwan’s security or defense so I’ll just finish my coffee and have another of these lovely biscuits and be on my way, bye bye.”

Mr Alexander, Huang Chieh-cheng, I have two questions… 

1) What is the point of you, even as a minor political figure? 

2) Which KMT airhead appointed you to represent Taiwan in any way, shape or form in the United States if you have such a pathetically weak personality and defeatist attitude in terms of defending your own country?

It’s rare to encounter such stupidity. Not only publicly articulating that he is a politician who is defeated before he starts, insults the United States who already does a huge amount for Taiwan and even has its own laws on the subject, but to then go there as a so-called representative for Taiwan truly beggars belief. 

I guess he is running true to form given he’s said before that Trump was just being “polite” and “harmless” over Taiwan and “will not change the overall situation.” 

Or, “there are not many people in the international community that can help Taiwan.” (Yeah, right, like the world has done nothing for Ukraine...I seem to remember reading something a little different just recently.)

Or, even more absurd, “If the Kuomintang returns to power in 2024, the Communist Party jets will still circumnavigate Taiwan, because it is aimed at the actions of the United States” indicating he thinks US help is actually putting Taiwan in danger. 

If he and his party think this way, a vote for KMT is a vote for a party that actually wants the US to back off from any further help for Taiwan, a move which would result in China having an open goal to take over control of Taiwan.  

Maybe he has accidentally shown the KMT’s true colours and that is what they really want?

However you look at this, this man is as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. He should go and sit in a soft chair by a sunny window somewhere and for a nurse to bring him a cup of milky tea from time to time to keep him happy. 

He should be kept away from mainstream politics, the US, and those who actually want better things for Taiwan and don’t want to just throw up their hands and give in to China. 

I’m all for pragmatism, but this is not what he is advocating.

It even goes beyond pessimism…it’s defeatism. 

This man has no place representing Taiwan abroad with such views. 

As a lifelong journalist, I’ve seen and written about some bad politicians in my time. 

But guys like this still have the ability to make me slap my forehead so hard I end up flat on my back. 

Tinkerty tonk…


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Lost Property - Anyone seen the Mayor's brain?

Sigh.... our mindless and malfunctioning mayor has managed to blow another microchip and forced me to write something on a Sunday evening when I should be putting my feet up. 

He and his Thoughtless Moronic & Desperate (TMD) party seem to have insisted the government state a black and white policy on Covid, a staggeringly inane demand, which coming from a doctor defies belief.

Although being a one-trick pony (ie the one small thing he was apparently good at with heart conditions) I guess we might forgive him for not understanding the broader issues of actually running a country. 

On the other hand, perhaps we should not.

He seems to suggest the government should state one of two policies, being…

1) To close down all quarantine and personal protection protocols and live with Covid. 

2) To aim for zero Covid cases.

Deep breath, as it’s hard to emphasise the absurdity of such a demand. 

Zero cases is an impossibility, particularly of a modern scourge. 

Erstwhile killers like Smallpox and Tuberculosis (TB) have largely been eradicated from developed countries but after decades of work and vaccinations. They are still a huge problem in countries like India, to take but one example. 

Lifting all restrictions immediately is possible. Britain has done just that, but at the cost of a spike in infections to record levels, although hospitalisations and deaths are not rising due to the vaccination programme. 

However, that doesn’t mean people don’t get sick and have to stay off work, or get sick enough to tie up doctors in order to get prescription medication.

As a result of Covid infections, the British economy is suffering as workers are taking time off, and there have been big issues with anything from truck driver to nursing staff shortages causing huge logistical problems.

Remember, when even a single worker takes a day off sick, the economy of a country suffers in terms of production and output.  

In Taiwan, which has an enviable record of handling Covid, I would guess the government doesn’t want to throw all its good work away by risking hurting the economy by allowing a spike in cases and having to deal with a big hit to production and output.

There is no black and while policy with Covid policy as Dr Dismal seems to think. It is naive to believe otherwise, and as a doctor he should know better. 

It is a shade of policy grey which needs careful consideration and a well timed and gradual response. The government is clearly taking its foot off the gas with regards to Covid restrictions and rightly so.

It is balancing caution with the desire to get back to normal, while not wrecking other things, most particularly the economy. It is a slow, steady and pragmatic process and that is good governance.  

To demand they go one way or the other is simply ludicrous. As Mark Twain famously said “The Only Two Certainties In Life Are Death And Taxes.” 

The bottom line is this is desperate politics by the TMD who have no real substance as a party and are trying to attack something, in this case a government which has delivered a world beating response to Covid. 

It is a lost cause which only the most hardened and hard-headed of its supporters won’t be able to see through.   

I put a self-imposed scale of idiocy on the Doc as I’d only be getting three hours sleep a night if I had to respond to every one of his daft or idiotic pronouncements. 

It looks like I either have to revise my stupid scale, or hope his advisors sit him down - yes, perhaps with a cup of milky tea to keep him calm - and tell him what an idiot he is making of himself on a regular basis and help him at least say something sensible and constructive for a change. 

Tinkerty Tonk…    

Friday, April 1, 2022

Decent politicians...


I spotted a picture of the Health Minister sitting talking to a group of people which pretty much every publication here was using yesterday. I asked my COTC (Cat On The Ceiling) what it was all about and to my utter amazement - NOT - it was about him showing some understanding and empathy towards one of the guys who works for him. 

Having written only yesterday about politicians who lie, trick and disrespect voters, I now feel the need to put pay to the myth that to be a politician you have to be thick-skinned, demanding, aggressive and perhaps downright nasty to be successful. 

I was lucky enough to be successful in my career and worked for a huge global company that understood leadership and the balance of mindset required for successful leadership. 

Leadership is not about bullying or surviving, it’s about being accountable, having empathy and understanding or taking criticism and not complaining you are being ‘got at’. 

In short, it’s about being a decent human being and understanding, getting the best out of your team and doing the very best you can for people you have control over.  

Yes, sometimes you fire people, sometimes you give them huge pay rises. But it must be fair and there is always a balance.   

The COTC tells me some have commented that the Health Minister was at a party while his poor subordinate was not. I’m sorry, but anyone with that thought process is lacking intellect as it’s an argument that doesn’t stand up on any level. It’s impossible for any manager to know everything at all times. 

I remember one occasion I was sitting at home in Beijing watching TV when my South Korea bureau chief told me he’d been in the office 18 hours and could I persuade the Singapore filing desk to take over the stories his guys in the field were writing.

It’s hard to keep a handle on everything when you have a big team. In the Health Minister’s case it was someone asking to go and do some laundry. I have less excuse as my South Korean bureau chief wanted to get home to see his children before they went to bed. My Bad.  

My hope as an Adopted Brit is that we continue to see more politicians like the Health Minister and his colleagues running this country. Decent, honest and accountable leadership qualities are so important.

Tinkerty tonk…     

(Sorry there are no jokes in this one but I feel very strongly about this and I am disgusted with so many of the politicians around the world right now) 

今天我在和台灣相關的新聞上發現了一張衛福部長坐著和一群人交談的照片,到處都是,於是我問我家那頭總是氣噗噗黏在天花板上的貓(COTC,Cat On The Ceiling)這是怎麼回事。





COTC 告訴我,網路上有些人批評衛福部長參加了聚會,而他可憐的下屬卻沒有,他必須去洗衣服。對不起,就這一件事任何如此思考的人都缺乏智慧,因為這是一個在任何層面都站不住腳的論點,因為任何管理者都不可能知道所有的事。





Tinkerty tonk…   掰掰。

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hypocrisy 101


Word of the Day today is Hypocrisy which is defined as “the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.”

In the case of those who manage to get people to vote for them, it is often more simply put at “Do as I say, not as I do.” 

Sadly, my self-imposed scale of idiocy has been breached yet again. 

The latest rant from my Cat-on-the-Ceiling is again about Dr Dismal the so-called leader of Taipei City. 

He, and his party, are laughing off the fact he broke Government advice by not wearing a mask when he should. He is part of this country’s government and if as he admits he is so moronic he doesn’t understand the rules he should not be Mayor, much less a doctor with peoples’ lives directly in his hands.   

OK Doc, next time you see a patient or are in an operating theatre don’t wear a mask and laugh it off when you spread infection. Best try not to forget, eh? Tie a knot in your handkerchief, or something.  

The shameless laughing-off of something like this contrasts sharply with other leaders caught out in similar circumstances, and there are many.

They have genuinely apologised because they knew they are in the wrong and need to say sorry because they have jobs where they tell other people how to behave. They know they are accountable and behave in an honourable and respectful manner.

To laugh it off as 'Oops, sorry, tee, was only a song' shows a staggering lack of respect for the public who have had their lives controlled by Covid regulations for the past two years. 

Maybe Mayor Malfunction caught the hypocrisy virus from the equally appalling British Prime Minister Borish Johnson who is rightfully being asked to resign as a result of attending Christmas parties at No 10 Downing Street at a time when gatherings were banned under Covid rules his government put in place. 

His constant lies were initially “all guidance was followed completely at No. 10” a week later “I have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party” and “I can tell you I certainly broke no rules” and “nobody had told me that what we were doing was…against the rules.”

Police yesterday issued fines on 20 people who attended the Downing Street parties and more are expected to follow. Johnson himself could be fined. 

Let’s not let someone in Taiwan who thinks it’s OK to laugh off rule breaking and disrespect the public get into a position of greater power. Let Johnson’s outright lies be a warning of where it all might end.

Tinkerty tonk...    









也許台灣這位故障的市長先生,是從同樣駭人聽聞的英國首相強生那裡感染了「虛偽」的病毒。最近有人很合理地要求首相辭職,因為在他的政府規定Covid期間禁止聚會的期間,他參加了唐寧街 10 號首相官邸的聚會,他們在聖誕節和新年期間喝酒吃起司慶祝。




Tinkerty Tonk… 掰掰。  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Delusions of Grandeur?

I’ve written before about the worrying underlying forces at work within the personality of one of Taiwan’s prominent figures, and poked some good natured fun at the man and his immediate family. 

To my mind they are figures of fun and not to be taken seriously, as they say and do things that clearly show they are unfit for high office. 

Taiwanese are sensible and pragmatic people who will also see them as having little more than entertainment value, and have proved they are even now unfit for the office that luck and circumstance has allowed them to occupy. 

My sincere hope is this particular one will disappear down the plughole of history when his term is over, and voters then can redirect their attention to the important and smarter people in the public eye and what the political debate in Taiwan should really be about.  

I said a while back I had a self-imposed scale of idiocy and would not write about this individual unless they said, or did, something spectacularly stupid. Sadly, that time has come.

Declaring yourself as ‘unique’. We are all unique in one way or another. Physical manifestations like fingerprints and DNA are obvious, but we also all have unique personalities. None of us think or act in an identical way to others. 

That’s not to say there are not unique individuals scattered through history who have made their mark on the world.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Einstein, Nelson Mandela to name but a few. Add to that Jesus, Napoleon, Muhammad and William Shakespeare…you get the idea. 

It’s obvious that we can’t check whether any of these in this short list declared themselves ‘unique’ before they actually proved they were, although Einstein was famously self-deprecating.

It seems to me to declare yourself unique among your peers before you have actually achieved very much shows a staggering level of arrogance and complacency that is ill suited to high office and is akin to delusions of grandeur. One wonders who in my short list above considered themselves unique before they achieved greatness, I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions. 

If you Google ‘delusions of grandeur’ it says - Specifically, a delusion of grandeur is a person's belief that they are someone other than who they are, such as a supernatural figure or a celebrity. A delusion of grandeur may also be a belief that they have special abilities, possessions, or powers.

I won’t go on to describe what it says about people who display such symptoms but look back at God Complex and Dunning-Kruger Effect and you will get the idea. 

I’ll not even start about the signals that publicly comparing yourself to long dead Chinese Emperor who had an unbalanced wife, sends to people. Maybe the signal is you don’t know your history before blurting such things out. (Many thanks to the history scholar who pointed this out to me)  

One wonders what the next press conference will yield in terms of a painful to watch self-harm performance. It’s like watching people debase themselves on reality TV or, at the extreme, Jackass. I don’t suppose he will ever attempt to skateboard off a shed roof into a swimming pool, although he seems to be attempting the political equivalent.  

As I think I’ve said before, it’s like trying to drag your eyes away from an awful road accident…you can’t help but look…but it’s painful and messy. 

His so-called advisors really should watch his last performance carefully… illogical statement followed illogical statement. The government was bad for imposing quarantine as it damaged the economy…the government was bad because they were not doing enough to stop imported cases.

As usual he came up with none of his own or his parties' ideas and just ranted.  

They, his advisors, need to let him calm down and talk to him in a dark room, sitting quietly with a cup of milky tea and gently tell him some truths… 

If they dare, to someone who thinks he is somehow “unique” in the world.   

Tinkerty tonk...

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Dilemma of the Bully vs Peace Balance

The German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831) famously said, “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” 

It is a truism so profound that was later stolen by philosopher George Santayana (1863-1952), originally from Spain but raised and educated in the United States who said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” and by the great British statesman Winston Churchill (1874-1965) who said “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

I prefer Hegel’s powerful original, and, while intensely wise, continues to beg the question… Why?

At one level you need go no further than YouTube and channels like ‘myworldisgettingdumber’ who interview people on camera and this happens…

Q) Who fought in the Vietnam War? A) The United States (pause) and Korea. 

Q) Who fought in the Korean War? A) I don’t know. 

Q) Who fought in WWI? A) George Washington. 

Q) Who fought in WWI? A) England…Q) Against who? A) The United States. 

I could go on, but you get the idea. I should add that not all those interviewed were young people.

When I was teaching at some of the Universities here in Taiwan I was always amazed at the low level of world history knowledge among students, particularly about WWII, the biggest conflict in human history, the echoes of which continue to reverberate around the globe 80 years later. It killed an estimated 50 to 85 million people and fundamentally shaped the world we live in today.

I’m going to ignore American inventor and entrepreneur Henry Ford’s (1863-1947) now infamous quote that “history is bunk” because there is controversy around whether those were his actual words, and the fact he spent years trying to ‘clarify’ and ‘spin’ his adage so it made him look less of a fool.

It is clear we can learn from history. You go to a restaurant and the food is rubbish, you don’t go  back. You learn from history. Human actions and animal instinct are all built on either learning from history and experience, or inherited learning. 

In the current global turmoil over Ukraine it is no surprise that politicians, scholars, journalists and anyone who takes an interest in world affairs are looking back at events like WWII, and drawing parallels with how the world’s nations at peace reacted to and dealt with aggressive and bullying nations like Germany and Japan at the time. There are many other similar situations scattered along the timeline of human history. 

This is when you run into the dilemma of what is the correct response? There is a critical balance between stopping a belligerent nation or dictator with force and risking tipping the entire situation over the edge to a much worse and damaging conflict. 

Perhaps the most famous example of this, in the west at least, was the hapless British statesman Neville Chamberlain and his foreign policy of appeasement with the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938 This ceded the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany led by German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in exchange for an assurance by Hitler that we would go no further. The Germans broke the agreement and invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, beginning the Second World War.

It could be argued that this policy of appeasement and allowing Germany to take an inch, encouraged them to take a mile. Herein lies the dilemma when nations want nothing but peace, are faced with bullying nations who appear only set on their own interests and gains at the expense of others. 

At the time of the Munich agreement, appeasement may have seemed like a better policy, rather than risk a repeat of the horrendous slaughter of WWI and the mincing machine of the trench warfare of 1914-1918. Bear in mind the Munich agreement with Hitler was signed barely 20 years after the end of WWI and appeasement must have seemed like a better option than risking another bloody fight with Germany.

After the First World War, when Austria-Hungary was dismembered the Sudeten Germans found themselves living in the new country of Czechoslovakia. The similarity of Hitler wanting the Sudetenland back, is not dissimilar to Putin wanting Ukraine back after it regained its independence in 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is no small prize as it is the second-largest country by area in Europe after Russia.

The west’s acute response to Putin’s actions with sanctions going beyond what anyone really expected, reflects a deep-seated mistrust of Russia's intentions and fears he will go further, as did Hitler in 1938. The hope is to throttle the invasion by starving it of funds and materials, rather than outright military action with boots-on-the-ground risking a global escalation. 

It should be remembered that this is an ongoing war which began with the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 which was largely ignored by the west. “If the West and the whole world had raised their voices against the invasion of Crimea in 2014, would we have faced today’s picture?,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier this month. While not the most level-headed of leaders, Erdogan has a fair point. 

Did ignoring the situation in Crimea embolden Putin to take another step believing the west would just sit back and ignore it because it did not want to upset the apple-cart of energy supply and global geo-politics. If he did think that he was clearly mistaken, but it’s too late now, and did the international lack of reaction to Crimea result in the misery and deaths happening in Ukraine now?

Whose ‘fault’ is it? Putin for being a dictator seeking to expand his empire, or the west for pretty much standing idly by and allowing him to get away with the annexation of part of Ukraine eight years ago. 

Looking around the world there are other dangerous situations that have been brewing for years that have only received mild rebukes from the west. The obvious one is, of course, the South China Sea, which has seen China ride roughshod and bully small nations as it militarised islands and atolls in what can only be described as a giant land-grab in the heart of Asia. 

Speaking alongside President Barack Obama in 2015 Chinese President Xi Jinping said. 

“Relevant construction activities that China is undertaking in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands do not target or impact any country, and China does not intend to pursue militarization”. History shows how empty that assurance was when you look at satellite pictures of the island and atolls now and the mass of military equipment they contain.  

Trust is an important issue in global geopolitics. When the bonds of trust are broken, violence is seldom far behind despite the best efforts of more level-headed politicians and diplomats.

While no country can rely on other countries to help it out in times of crisis, Ukraine is proving that the world views dictators and bullies in a historical context, and there reaches a point where they will intervene to protect the innocent, protect fairness and democracy and maintain global peace. In today’s globalised society the bonds of interconnection are strong and outright aggression will not be tolerated for fear of where it will lead. 

It is a well founded fear, as the events of 1939 to 1945 and the aggression of the powerful nations of Germany and Japan proved only too well. In today’s world there are different aggressors and the world knows only too well what happens if you let them go too far.

After the events of the past month in Ukraine, I’m frankly amazed there are still some in Taiwan who say it’s all hopeless and no one, in particular the United States, will come to Taiwan’s aid if the worst happens. To do so is to embrace appeasement and throw your hands up in surrender and utterly misses the point that Taiwan is far closer to the United States than Ukraine ever was.  

Of course you cannot wholly rely on other countries, but to decry attempts to forge global friendships with potential allies as apparently useless is abject, weak and demonstrates a belief that appeasement is the only way.  

It shows not only a lack of understanding of history and the role the United States has played in fighting on the side of freedom and democracy, particularly against the forces of communism and dictatorships, but a personality that is devoid of pride or dignity, or has the smallest scintilla of trust in others to do the right thing.      

One would be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that those who send such signals are not fully on the side of Taiwan’s democracy, muchless willing to fight for it. 

Tinktery tonk...

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blood Sports


I’ve never been a fan of blood sports like bull-fighting, fox-hunting, or hunting in general for that matter.

I find it cruel and unnecessary with the only real excuse for indulging in them is to get some kind of perverse pleasure in supposedly outsmarting one of our dumb chums in the animal kingdom. 

Now, while it may be true that sometimes you meet people and think “Wow, my cat is way smarter than this person”, broadly speaking blood sports take the form of a much greater intelligence and intellect pitting itself against a creature that largely functions on instinct alone.

So now when I hear “Peggy has said this..” or “Now, she has said that..” or hear uncontrolled giggling and “Oh my god, now she has said…” I get a little more worried that Mumbai is enjoying a rush of bloodlust as she hammers a creature of low intelligence and intellect which largely functions on instinct alone.

Although I guess in the case of Puerile Peggy, it cannot strictly speaking be called a blood sport as with blood sports the low intellect half of the act has no choice in the matter. A bull does not choose to enter the ring to be stabbed to death, a fox does not decide to be chased and torn apart by dogs, a goose does not decide to be blasted out of the air in a shower of blood, guts and feathers.

So why does PP, who appears to be not playing with a full deck, choose to set herself up in the way she does? Is it fair of me to criticize Mumbai for what is the internet equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel?

I guess another reason I should not be worried is that perhaps both sides of the Facebook Fisticuffs are getting something out of the blood being spilled. One side a purely sadistic pleasure... and the other a bizarre masochistic fulfillment of public humiliation on a regular basis. 

Maybe it’s a win-win. 

Tinkerty tonk…  

《 血腥狩獵》





其實這個「幼稚佩琪」( Puerile Peggy ) 的遊戲,嚴格來說不能被稱為血腥狩獵,因為在真正的血腥對決中,智商較低的一方在此事別無選擇。例如公牛不會選擇進入鬥牛場被刺死,被獵狗追趕撕喉不是狐狸的決定,野鵝不會選擇進入狩獵遊戲被獵槍射中,讓自己的內臟和羽毛在空中炸飛血肉模糊。

那麼,為什麼「幼稚佩琪」自願選擇進入這種情境之中,而不好好出牌呢?再仔細想想,我擔心批評孟買在網路上玩著相當於在水桶裡打魚 (shooting fish in a barrel) 是公平的嗎?

我想我不應該擔心的另一個原因是,當血流成河時,在臉書上拳打腳踢 (Facebook Fisticuffs) 的雙方可能都得到了一些東西。一方面是純粹的虐待滿足,另一方則是受到定期公開羞辱時的奇怪自虐滿足。


Tinkerty tonk… 掰掰。