Much has been written about the Dunning Kruger effect and how it manifests itself in the senior officials and government leaders that control our daily lives. A simple Google search will amply demonstrate just how much thought has been given to the issue in recent years.
Only the other day while I was disentangling Mrs Smith from the rather nice spotlight rail we have over the dining room table, and she was gibbering something about... “95%, he actually said 95%!”
Of course I have no idea who on earth she was talking about. But my not inconsiderable Sherlock Holmes qualities quickly kicked-in and I deduced that she might be talking about someone in the upper echelon of the administration in Taiwan. You see Watson, it was a simple deduction even when the subject is gibbering incoherently, sweating, and clearly very angry.
For those of you unfamiliar with Dunning-Kruger, I would encourage you to look it up.
I frankly think the best definition pops up when you do a simple Google search <dunning kruger effect>...if you can’t be arsed to do it yourself, Secret Squirrel is always here to lift the burden on your Sunday afternoon relaxation. It is this…
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. ... It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability.”
Which is the kind of complicated bullshit you would expect from a couple of psychologists to come up with. It broadly means - some arseholes think they are WAY SMARTER than they actually are.
It was then, Watson, I started to narrow down what the gibbering, sweating and angry wreck of a human being at my feet by the dining room table was ranting in her fits of rage. Could it be - she was talking about someone in a position of power in Taiwan, or even Taipei?
So after a night of pawing through psychology books, while puffing on my pipe the whole time in proper Sherlock Holmes fashion...(I tried to lean on the mantlepiece and at the same time looking pensive, but we only have air conditioning so It didn’t really work…) I came across a whole bunch of companies who sell services aimed at getting the best from those who are having problems with their leadership abilities.
Broadly speaking they all agree…I took this example from one of them and would like to thank Aubrey Daniels International (ADI) and in particular Bryan Shelton who wrote the article. ADI provides leadership development expertise and behavioral technology to improve businesses and their culture. (Full disclosure - I never have had, and currently do not have any relationship with either ADI or Bryan Shelton…. It just popped up on the internet when I did a search)
The main things they point to as problems with those in leadership positions who are not performing well are -
- Being vague
- Praising results without understanding how they were produced
- Over-relying on fear and intimidation
- Only seeing the world from their point of view
You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out who we are talking about here...
Tinkerty tonk...
《 鄧寧克魯格效應 》 關於鄧寧克魯格效應 (Dunning-Kruger effect),簡稱鄧克效應(DK effect),以及這個現象如何在控制我們日常生活的政府人物或是領導者身上顯現出來,簡單的谷歌搜索就可以發現,近年來對這個現象的研究不勝枚舉。 就在前幾天,當我把史密斯太太從餐桌上方相當漂亮的吊燈桿上解救下來時,她還在胡言亂語:“95 分,他真的說他做到了 95分!” 我當然不知道她到底在說誰,但我那不容小覷的福爾摩斯特質很快就發揮了作用。我推斷她可能在談論台灣政府高層的某個人。 華生醫生你看,這是一個簡單的推論,即使這個線索語無倫次、滿頭大汗,而且顯然非常生氣。 對於那些不熟悉鄧克效應 (Dunning-Kruger effect) 的人,我建議你查一下。 坦白說最好的定義會在你做一個簡單的谷歌搜索動作時,立刻跳出螢幕。不過如果你懶到不能自己動手,松鼠特務總是在這裡減輕你輕鬆週日午後的負擔。就是這個。 “鄧克效應是一種假設的認知偏差,也就是能力低下的人會高估自己的能力......這與虛幻優越感的認知偏差有關,來自人們無法認識到自己的能力不足。” 沒錯,這就是你知道那些心理學家會提出的那種複雜的廢話。不過簡而言之,這大致意味著:一些混蛋認為他們比實際上更聰明。 就在那個時候,華生醫生,我的調查範圍縮小了,從這個以人類殘骸形式存在的生物,在餐桌邊我腳下胡言亂語、滿頭大汗、怒髮衝冠咆哮的內容判斷,莫非,她說的是某個台灣甚至台北的當權者? 因此,經過一整夜翻閱心理學書籍,同時以適當的福爾摩斯姿勢一直抽著煙斗......(我試圖靠在壁爐架上,同時看起來在沉思,但我們家只有冷氣,所以這沒有真正奏效)我知道有很多公司提供服務幫助領導能力有問題的人。 大致來說,以下要敘述的內容多數公司都同意,我從其中一個那裡拿了這個例子。我要感謝 Aubrey Daniels International (ADI),特別是撰寫這篇文章的 Bryan Shelton。 ADI 提供領導力發展專業知識和行為技術,以改善企業及其文化。(利益揭露 - 我在過去和現在與 ADI 或 Bryan Shelton 都沒有任何關係......他們只是在我搜索時在螢幕上彈出來) 他們指出,擔任領導職位的人表現不佳的主要問題是: ★ 含糊其辭 ★ 在不了解結果是如何產生的情況下讚美結果 ★ 過度依賴恐懼和威脅 ★ 只從他們的角度看世界 你不必成為福爾摩斯,就可以弄清楚我們在這裡談論的是誰...... Tinkerty tonk… 掰掰
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