Thursday, July 8, 2021

Time to point and laugh - again

Gosh, it would seem my jokey little pieces laughing at the Taipei Mayor’s comic capers are drawing suspicions in some quarters that I’m either representing foreign media or I’m in the pay of the DPP.

All very flattering that this retired journalist can still put pen to paper and stir up paranoia to such an extent among those desperate enough to point fingers and blame others for their own shortcomings. 

I point and laugh at the Taipei Mayor just as much as I point and laugh at Boris Johnson so I’m very even handed when I feel the need to point out that people in positions of authority are doing an awful job, falling down on the job, cannot cope with the job they got themselves elected to do and generally being dim. 

A Mr Cheng, who I don’t know from a hole in the ground, is clearly so thin-skinned that he can’t stand any criticism of officials, or he’s not well read enough to understand what political sketch writing is. He clearly is not the life and soul of any party, but then, few minor officials are. 

I can’t help wondering what our Mr Cheng would say to the KMT having so much of the local press here in its pocket? Or is that OK and it’s just the DPP that isn’t supposed to play such games. 

I’m not even on Facebook or Twitter for heaven’s sake! It smacks of some kind of desperation if they bother to waste their, shall we say brain power, on little old me and my opinion. As I say, highly flattering, but it really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense unless it is causing them major distress. Perhaps it is, the truth hurts.     

Anyway, he’s talking utter nonsense and I promise he will be the first to know if I get any communication from the DPP asking if I would do any writing for them, or that I’m somehow still linked to international media.     

Until then he really should stop being so prickly and to let a retired journalist have a bit of fun poking fun at someone who is doing a lousy job. 

I daresay there is an old Chinese proverb about the elephant does not feel a flea-bite. 

But being so hyper-sensitive is all good ammunition, so I thank him for that...something more to point and laugh at and have more fun.

《 又到了指著那些人哈哈大笑的時候了》

今天早上看到一篇文章我倒吸了一口氣,我那些嘲諷台北市長鬧劇表演博君一笑的小文章,似乎在某些陣營引起了一些懷疑,他們認為我要不是代表外國媒體,就是在 DPP 的薪資造冊名單上。




如果要討論媒體資源和政黨的關係,我想知道我們的鄭先生對 KMT 口袋裡的媒體資源會說什麼?或者他認為這沒問題,只是 DPP 不應該玩這樣的遊戲?

至於我,看在上帝的份上,我甚至沒有 Facebook 或 Twitter 的賬戶!把他們的。。。我們說是腦力吧,浪費在我和我的意見上,他們是有多狗急跳牆?不過正如我稍早說的,這其實讓人非常受寵若驚。除非我的意見給他們帶來極大的痛苦,否則真的沒有多大意義,或者是我的意見真的讓他們很苦惱?真相總是殘酷的。

不過無論如何,這位鄭先生完完全全是在胡說八道。如果 DPP 來詢問我願不願意幫他們寫文章,或者是退休的我還和任何國際媒體報導有關聯,我保證我會第一個通知他。

在 DPP 來找我之前,鄭先生面對評論真的不該跟刺猬一樣。就不能讓一個退休記者找點樂子,去取笑把工作做得很糟糕的人?



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