Friday, July 23, 2021

God Complex

It’s always worrying when a person in a position of authority who makes decisions that affect the lives of many, gets delusional about their own abilities. 

Generally speaking it ends badly for everyone involved when such a person reaches the stage when you could start to describe it as a God Complex. It is generally accompanied by feelings of paranoia and thinking that things are only going wrong, or you are unpopular because you are being unfairly attacked. 

Seldom does the victim consider it might be something they are doing, or not doing, that is at fault - because they think they are way smarter than anyone around them.

It is defined thus - A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence. God complex is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder.

For example, if an official with oversight over a large area were asked if they were doing a good job. If that person said they would rate themselves 95 out of a 100, I would seriously start to wonder if this particular person had any self awareness at all. 

If that same person saw their popularity rating go from 70 pct to 30 pct but blamed this only on attacks by rivals, I would again wonder if massive delusion and paranoia was kicking in - in a serious way. 

This person might also never want to admit that anyone could help them and might even go so far as to take credit for something someone else had clearly helped with to get a good result. 

Some country leaders suffer from God Complex. Trump certainly did, Boris Johnson does not. Trump surrounded himself with ‘yes men’ while Boris Johnson has an army of advisors. 

Whether Johnson listens to them or not is beside the point and he is clearly a buffoon. But he doesn’t claim to be doing a 95 percent good job and doesn’t set himself up as a Doctor who is expert in every field of medicine, or a scientist, or a near perfect administrator.

One thing Johnson does that does fit the God Complex mould is he appoints those with limited intellectual capacity in positions around him so they will never be a threat...which is paranoid behaviour.  

Every would-be politician has to possess a huge ego as it goes with the turf. But any person who thinks they can do little wrong, is vastly superior to anyone else and tries to convince everyone they are some kind of genius really needs to be steered away from positions of authority.

Usually, voters are smart enough to spot these kind of people, or get rid of them at the ballot box when the God Complex manifests itself. 

Tinkerty Tonk..

《 上帝情結 》


當這樣的人到達你開始將其描述為上帝情結 (God Complex) 的階段時,結局對所有相關人士都會很糟糕。偏執通常伴隨而來,他們認為凡事都不對勁,或者他們不受歡迎只是因為遭受不公平的攻擊。

此類受害者很少認為這可能是他們正在做,或根本沒有做的事情有錯 -因為他們認為自己比周圍的任何人都聰明。


例如一位在一般認知裡有不少疏失的官員,被問及是否把工作做好時,給自己打了 95 分,我會認真地開始懷疑這個人是否有任何自我意識。

如果同一個人看到自己受歡迎的程度從 70% 下降到 30%,卻將這個結果完全歸咎於競爭對手的攻擊,我會再次懷疑大規模的妄想和偏執,正在嚴重發生。



這裡的重點並不是強生是否聽從顧問的建議,因為他顯然只是個小丑,但他並沒有聲稱他把應做的工作做到了 95%,也沒有自詡為“醫生”,而這個醫生顯然也是各個領域的專家、科學家或近乎完美的管理者。




Tinkerty Tonk...掰掰。

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