Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Terry Kuo - Taiwan's Joke politician


If you don’t find Terry Kuo funny, you have no sense of humour.

This strutting buffoon plays his role as one of Taiwan’s leading joke politicians so well that part of me hopes he sticks around a while longer. If he wasn’t so politically dim as to be potentially dangerous for Taiwan if he gets any real power, that is.

His latest drivel had me chuckling, as it again reminded me of the kind of pompous and arrogant Chinese rhetoric we have heard over the years. It is also akin to the kind of gaslighting China is a past-master at, like the “When did patient zero begin in the US?” from Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian in a now-infamous tweet. “It might be the U.S. army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan.” 

Absurd, yes, but that is Terry Kuo all over. His latest piece of colossal overstatement and rather sad gaslighting attempt being “The self-righteous goodwill of the DPP government is leading the people to a dark hell where it is multi difficult to even eat an egg.”

I mean, it’s not even good gaslighting. His minders should really have a word with him to raise his game.  

Aside from not being true, as there are eggs to be had without too much difficulty, no one is in a “Dark Hell” because they didn’t get their breakfast egg. It’s clownish in its absurdity because the overstatement is akin to the big red nose, huge yellow curly wig, massive shoes and baggy striped trousers that Coco usually wears to make the children laugh.  

Take a look at the UK where bird flu has also created a bit of a shortage of eggs and supermarket racks are devoid of certain vegetables. The shortages - which are affecting Ireland too - are largely the result of extreme weather in Spain and north Africa, where floods, snow and hail have affected harvests. Yep, really nothing to do with the government and politicians and the media are saying that. 

Contrast that with news that Taiwan's foreign minister Joseph Wu and the country’s top security people are in Washington for a meeting with US officials. The local press lead with Kuo’s eggs nonsense and not the more vital issues that keep us all safe from oppression.

To directly quote the Foxconn Wikipedia page. “While headquartered in Taiwan, the company earns the majority of its revenue from assets in mainland China. 


Speaking of vegetables, pea-brain Terry wants to pitch again for the presidential nomination. Having thrown a toddler-like tantrum the last time the KMT decided not to go with him, when he threw his toys out of his pram and stalked away to sulk for a few years, he seems to think he’s in for another shot.

If the KMT are smart (no guarantees there I guess) they will ignore this political has-been. 

Kuo revealed he had once been instructed by the sea goddess Mazu in a dream to run as a candidate in the 2020 presidential election…So she would approve if he just retired to somewhere nice on the coast and went fishing all day. (Hey, Terry…the thin bit of the rod points towards the sea…you hold the thick end.) 

Tinkerty Tonk…







看看英國,那裡的禽流感也造成了雞蛋短缺,超市貨架上連蔬菜也沒有。 短缺也影響到愛爾蘭,主要原因還有西班牙和北非的極端天氣,洪水、雪和冰雹影響了收成。是的,真的與政府無關,英國的政治人物和媒體一致同意。


我查了一下富士康的維基百科頁面:雖然總部位於台灣,該公司的大部分收入來自中國的資產。 嗯,我一直很喜歡 FoxConn 這個名字的諷刺意味,因為 con 在英文裡的意思。

言歸正傳說到蔬菜,我就想到一個英文的形容詞 pea-brain,是用來形容很笨的人。這個豌豆腦上次因為國民黨決定不提名他,他就像蹣跚學步的孩子一樣大發脾氣,把玩具從嬰兒車裡扔出來,然後大步走開。悶氣生了幾年後,他好像認為他的機會又來了。




Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Political Belligerence

 The Post-Truth era, in which we all now exist, it seems we have to also get used to a heightened level of political aggression and game-playing. Politicians are apparently happy to take greater risks with outright lies, half-truths, misdirection and gaslighting. 

In my four decades of writing about politics in many different countries, I can’t remember a time when shameless dishonesty was so rife. Sadly, many seem to be getting away with it and like a child with a new toy are delighting in it as it appears to make little, or no, difference to their political standing. 

It seems like a revelation to them, and they are revelling in it. It has emboldened some to behave as they like and take even greater political risks with their lies. 

"All is fair in love, war and politics", is a much used proverb when discussing the machinations which go on in the political world. While deeply cynical, it is nonetheless at least partly true. 

Look at former US president Donald Trump. His litany of years of lies and bad behaviour - not least the Big-Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him - has gradually descended into unbalanced ravings. His call for the US Constitution to be torn up so he can be simply reinstalled into the White House, is as outrageous as it is mindblowing.

Happily his antics look like they are finally backfiring on him and President Biden now leads Trump in a head-to-head matchup, 47 percent to 40 percent. Plus, Two-thirds of Republican and Republican leaning voters want Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President in 2024. (Personally I’m not sure which one is worse, but that’s another matter.)

But such behaviour has emboldened the likes of Republican Kari Lake to flatly refuse to accept she lost the 2022 Arizona governor race to Democrat Katie Hobbs, a move which led one US publican to describe her as the “saddest dead-ender” and someone who has “doubled down on a losing bet: election denial.” 

There are others like gun-toting Republican Colorado representative Lauren Boebert, notorious for fueling anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry, support for the Big-Lie and being an insurrectionist sympathiser. Likewise Georgia Republican representative the crazy Marjorie Taylor Greene with her Space Lasers, Political Murders, and Muslims Taking Over America. All truly bizarre stuff if you can be bothered to check into what exactly she said. 

Take the brutish Boris Johnson in the UK. His bravado and disdain for the public led to him telling lie after lie, a strategy which eventually caught up with him and he was deposed as leader of the ruling Conservatives. He is still under investigation by a Commons committee over whether he misled the UK Parliament.

Again, this has bred contempt for the truth with Secretary of State Michael Gove claiming the UK had secured GBP800 billion in “new free trade deals'' since leaving the European Union.

Which is a blatant misrepresentation of the facts because the bulk of this figure is not “new” trade and he has since been reprimanded by The UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) which has warned the ruling Conservatives that they should provide sources for such figures in the future.     

These are just recent examples of shameless dishonesty in politics which have ‘come home to roost’ but it is nevertheless a worrying trend that such outrageous behaviour is on the rise and lying is becoming ‘part of the political game’.

It’s easy to identify such trends here in Taiwan with some politicians feeling it is OK to ape some of the more outrageous behaviour we are witnessing abroad. That’s not to say it is anything new, but it does seem such practices are on the rise.

For example Terry Guo who has said Taiwanese people have no choice of which Covid vaccine they have, which is a clear lie. He also said the Government didn’t care whether people lived or died during the pandemic which I would class as not only a lie but also the dirtiest of political game playing. Of course the government cares whether people live or die.   

While the atrocious behaviour of the likes of Trump and Johnson did catch up with them in the end, it nevertheless propelled them to power in the first place and for a while afterwards they made political capital out of it.  

Politics is a dirty business, and, like boxing, is aggressive, confrontational and sometimes nasty but should be played to a set of rules. Outright lies, misdirection and gaslighting should play no part in a civilised society.    

Which brings us to the opposite situation. What happens when politicians act in a decent way, are broadly honest and try to behave in a respectful way towards voters? The answer is they  tend to lose out to those who think they can behave badly and break the unwritten rules and maybe even appear to be weak. 

There really needs to be an element of fighting fire with fire, with lies quickly called out just as aggressively as they were told in the first place. That is not something I see happening often in Taiwan. The government response to recent outrageous comments have been left unanswered for hours, sometimes days by which time the lie, or comment, is planted firmly in people’s minds and it is too late. 

Winston Churchill once said “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” 

At least responding to that lie quickly lessens its impact and maybe stops it in its tracks. Waiting hours to come back with a rebuttal is simply not good politics.

It’s also noticeable that the current administration appears not to think too hard about the way they deliver their messages. An excellent example of this is their latest budget announcement on Facebook.

It led with TWD111 billion to pay back government debt and towards the end it announced TWD577.3 billion more local government spending and more cash for education, infrastructure, defence and environment. 

This was a golden opportunity to lead with the good news of more spending on all the things people care about and push the budget payback to the bottom, or even not have it as part of the highlights at all. It would have been the smart way to handle it politically. 

But it backfired hugely as people latched on to the relatively small 111 billion figure and likely didn’t even read down far enough to find the much bigger 577.3 billion figure before they waded in with criticism. It even broke the first rule of journalism which is to lead with the bigger more important figure. 

That’s just one example but it’s fairly typical of the DPP and its somewhat passive approach to politics. Plus, the opposition parties are far more aggressive and emboldened in the Post-Truth era by the behaviour they see tolerated elsewhere in the world. 

With a presidential election just over a year away the current administration should perhaps think harder about their apparently relaxed and passive stance on the political battlefield and take a close, hard look at the way they make better political capital out of their successes.

Tinkerty Tonk... 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

A familiar pang


Sadly, I felt the all too familiar pang of disappointment yesterday at the DPP’s poor showing at the local elections, although I felt more sorry for the cat who was curled up on the sofa and unusually quiet as the results rolled in.

I am no stranger to such disappointment, coming as I do from an innately conservative country where the ‘establishment’ has been building on itself for hundreds of years. 

In the UK it is the establishment of the rich and titled, public school educated so called elite. In Taiwan it is the KMT and those used to wielding power during the troubled times of Martial Law and in the years after as that rich and privileged strata of society retained power by dint of influence and money. 

So there tends to be a strong demographic at work as the older generation generally display a deference to the establishment, for whatever reason, which is something I have never understood but is nevertheless true. One essential in Taiwan is to lower the voting age to eighteen, but, of course, the establishment will resist this. 

The cat and I went to the polling place early yesterday and judging by the number of older people voting and several wheelchairs, my first comment was that it did not look good for the DPP. 

The turnout was low which is no surprise as these local votes, like the local elections in the UK or the midterms in the US, do not spark as much enthusiasm as they should, but that is a fact of life and something you need to accept.

That said, voter apathy among young people is an ongoing issue with many disillusioned with older generation politics and a sense of helplessness, or just a lack of interest, leads to them just not bothering to vote. This is a global problem and Taiwan is no different to many other democracies. I’m personally in favour of mandatory voting although even those countries which have it seldom enforce it vigorously. Australia being perhaps the most famous of these.  

I’ve had my fair share of disappointment with the stupidity of Brexit and the Brits voting a classic establishment figure like Boris Johnson into office with a huge majority. Both of which I found profoundly depressing.  

Whether voting for the establishment is caused by dogma, habit, or peer pressure the only thing to do is keep interested, get out and vote and don’t allow setbacks reduce your enthusiasm to keep the establishment orthodoxy on the backfoot.

Tinkerty Tonk...



因此無論出於何種原因,從年齡層來看,老一代通常都表現出對所謂“建制派”的尊重,這是我從未理解但仍然是事實的現實。這次投票,台灣的一項重要改變是將投票年齡降至 18 歲,但當然,建制派會抵制這一做法。



這也就是說,年輕人對投票冷漠是一個持續存在的問題,許多人對老一輩的政治感到失望,無助感或缺乏興趣,導致他們根本懶得去投票。 這是一個全球性問題,台灣與許多其他民主國家沒有什麼不同。 我個人贊成強制投票,不過即使有強制投票的國家也很少大力執行,澳洲可能是其中最著名的。



Saturday, November 26, 2022

For Sale

For Sale

Mayoral Clown Car

 (no longer required by owner)

Eight years old.
High mileage. 
Bodywork in poor shape after heavy use.
Seats in bad condition due to high constant high occupancy.
No seat belts.
Indicators not working.
Steering requires attention.
Would consider part-exchange for Clown Campaign Bus.

Tinkerty Tonk...

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Corrupt, or just a childlike simpleton out to insult us

I don’t know if you have caught any of my recent pieces on various political shenanigans, but as the days go by I seem to be undergoing a shift in my emotional response, in terms of the way I view them.

The cat still flies up to the ceiling and gets angry, but to be honest I think I left anger behind months ago. I’ve moved from anger at the outright corruption, through incredulity at the utter shamelessness, and am now settled in a bleak despair at examples of behavior more suited to an attention seeking eight year old. 

Even this is now giving way to a feeling of being downright insulted by the transparent stunts these people actually think we will fall for. They really do seem to believe we have all just fallen-off a Christmas Tree, and they have given up even trying to be a little bit clever. 

A 38 year-old Ann Kao had the affront to emerge from a medical facility with an IV line still attached to her arm. Oh, and the sleeve of her baggy shirt conveniently rolled back to make sure all the cameras caught that she had been made so terribly ill by the criticism she brought on herself through her shameless and entitled behavior. As sad stunts go, it was a doozy.

It’s hard to conceive a more obvious antic to garner sympathy in a pathetic attempt to distract from her petty cash scam, moonlighting and not giving proper credit in a doctoral university paper. Of course, the rest of the TMD misfits lined up to defend her, but that is normality in the clown-car of deviants the party is.

They are laughing at us, and really do appear to think we are all so dumb as not to see through such simplistic and childlike games. I feel insulted, and I’m sure you do too.

Grow up guys, at least make a bit of an effort, you really are embarrassing yourselves now. 

Tinkerty Tonk…  

Friday, November 4, 2022

The dire state of British politics

I left the United Kingdom 25 years ago on a day when there was a profound transformation in British politics as Tony Blair’s Labour Party swept away John Major’s Conservatives with a landslide 179 seat majority on May 1, 1997. This put an end to 18 years of Conservative Party rule (note: The Conservative Party is also known as the Tory Party, they are one and the same.)    

My posting to Asia had been delayed because Reuters Editors’ wanted me to stay in the UK to help cover election night as I was then part of the political reporting team. So I left the London newsroom direct to Heathrow for Asia after election night and as Blair headed to Buckingham Palace to meet with Queen Elizabeth II for royal assent to form a new Government. I have not lived in the UK since. 

As the political cycle ebbed and flowed, there was a switch back to the Conservatives in 2010, who managed to just about scrape an election victory based on forming a coalition with the Liberal Democrats, so they were still not wildly popular.

We now seem to be witnessing an echo of 1997 with the Conservatives again deeply unpopular and riddled by chaos, scandal, economic mismanagement and an almost complete lack of party unity across a wide range of policy issues, but mostly membership of the European Union which for decades has split the Tories. It has torn many political careers to shreds. 

Rishi Sunak is now the fifth Party Leader/therefore Prime Minister, since the Brexit referendum in 2016. By any analysis, Brexit has been fundamental to the Conservative Party meltdown as the far right Europe-hating wing of the party openly battled with moderates and party discipline disintegrated.

Theresa May’s abject failure to persuade the party to rally behind her Brexit plan, Johnson’s apparent lies and disastrous Brexit deal culminated in his resignation over scandals too numerous to list here, and now Liz Truss’s disastrous 44 day dismal failure at leadership has left both the party and opinion polls in tatters.

Truss now owns the cringingly embarrassing ‘honour’ of being Britain’s shortest ever serving Prime Minister. The previous shortest time served was Tory Prime Minister George Canning, who died after just 119 days in office in August 1827.

Most of the current political carnage can be traced back to the 2016 referendum on whether the UK should remain in the European Union which split the country in two with the result only just coming down on the side of Brexit by 52 percent to leave and 48 percent to remain.

It took four long and acrimonious years until a deal was eventually thrashed out for Britain to leave Europe. The hard-right of the Conservative Party continuously pushed for a hard uncompromising ‘walk-away’ deal which created divisions in the party and eventually destroyed the Premiership of Teresa May. David Cameron resigned as Tory leader just after the referendum.

The slow but steady economic damage done by the Brexit deal is now all too evident with the UK’s trade performance recently falling to its worst level since records began, heaping more downward pressure on sterling and upward pressure on interest rates. This was made far worse by a mini-budget under Liz Truss which was quickly unwound but not until it has done even more damage to the economy. 

There has, of course, been the background factors of Covid, the war in Ukraine and subsequent rise in energy costs, but all this has been made worse by Brexit. The sunlit uplands promised by the leave campaign have not come, nor will they. It is obvious to those of even the meanest intelligence that leaving the EU was not a good idea. 

Tory backer and billionaire businessman Guy Hands last week warned the government he supports that is putting the UK “on a path to be the sick man of Europe”, predicting higher taxes and interest rates and fewer social services.

The longtime Coservative supporter called for a renegotiated Brexit otherwise Britain is “frankly doomed”.

The Conservative party “needs to move on from fighting its own internal wars and actually focus on what needs to be done in the economy”, he said in a radio interview.

Britain’s political woes do not just stem from Brexit or the mishandling of events like Covid and Ukraine, but a force far more fundamental and worrying is at play here. That is the level of talent within the ranks of the government’s Members of Parliament. 

“It’s not so much a talent pool,” commented one radio journalist last week. “It’s more of a talent puddle.”

The analogy is a good one. When the Tories were stupid enough to elect Liz Truss as their leader there were many across the media, politics and the public at large pointing out she was a lightweight, was overpromising, had no real substance and would crash and burn in a job she was so clearly not capable of doing. Just 44 days later they were all proved right. 

On the face of it, Rishi Sunak looks a better bet and is way more level-headed than Truss, but his party is nevertheless facing political oblivion according to the latest polls of voting intentions. 

Politico’s Poll of Polls has Keir Starmer’s opposition Labour party on 53 percent with the Conservatives on 22 percent. An election tomorrow would see the Tories all but wiped out.

Former Conservative Party campaign director Mark Neeham said last week “If current opinion polling is correct, Labour will have 500 seats at the next election and the Tory party will be reduced to 48,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. There are a total of 650 UK Members of Parliament.

The government does not have to face a general election until January 2025 and they are clearly hoping to turn things around before then. But the general public are sick of them and there are growing calls for an earlier election basically because Sunak is not seen as having a  solid mandate because he was not voted in by the public, or even the around 175,000 card carrying members of the Conservative party.

He had already lost a leadership challenge to Liz Truss and was simply ushered in as leader because he was the only candidate who gained the required 100 supporters among the 357 Conservative MPs. You can see just how shallow the tallent puddle is!

The British public is clearly sick of the constant lies, gaslighting and fantasy economics of the current government and Liz Truss with her pathetic 44 day shelf-life has been, for many, the final straw. 

Less and less people are believing that ‘things will get better’ or ‘we will fix things’ and the empty rhetoric is all sounding increasingly hollow and, frankly, pathetic.

Every voter in every democracy should look at the state of Britain now and reflect that when they hear their own politicians speak and question what they hear. Are they lying, gaslighting, full of empty or impractical promises or, frankly, just plain stupid and lacking in talent? 

Are your politicians swimming in a pool, or a puddle? 

“You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time,” is a quote long attributed to Abraham Lincoln in around 1860.

It would seem that the vast majority of the Great British public is no longer being fooled. 

Tinkerty Tonk...