Friday, June 18, 2021

Man-in-the-Pub politics

There is a certain type of individual, known in the UK as ‘The Man in the Pub’

Loud, arrogant and none too bright, they happily broadcast their ill thought out views to anyone who will listen. In the UK they tend to mostly inhabit Public Houses (Bars), are generally fairly radical in their views, not particularly understanding of others, and not sensitive or sympathetic to other viewpoints. 

It can just as easily be a woman, and it is highly likely you know such a person. In fact, I’m guessing you are thinking of someone fitting this description right now. 

The other thing they are very good at is unthinking criticism. Sadly, the opposition politicians in Taiwan seem to fit the profile of Man-in-the-Pub very well indeed, which is sad because any democracy needs an effective and intelligent opposition to keep the Administration on its toes and the country running well. 

There has been a litany of attacks on the Government, and in particular the Health Minister which, frankly, have been on a level that would shame a 1st Grade school debating society. 

I cringe with embarrassment when long-standing members of parliament can’t do better than sniping from the sidelines with questions and statements like.. “AstraZeneca is dangerous”...”The government paid too much for AstraZeneca”...”The government did not buy early enough.” How do such simplistic questions and statements help the country? What happened to constructive criticism, or proactive suggestions? Clearly those who say such things think they are not part of the democratic process and only there to take pot-shots at the government and attempt to score cheap political points.

Or not, as most of these attacks tend to be treated with the contempt they deserve.  

Which is very sad as opposition parties are terribly important to a functioning democracy and these snipers are not doing Taiwan’s greater good any favours by remaining stuck in their bubble of party politics and ignoring the realities. It’s an insult to the people who voted for them that they are too lazy to think of anything more sensible to contribute other than pointless questions which are banal and contribute nothing.

It is Brain Fart Politics…”Oh I need to attack the Government because I’m an opposition, er, I know… Why didn’t Japan send more vaccines?....(Phew). So when you invite your neighbour round for dinner and they bring you flowers and chocolates as a gift, you ask them why they didn’t bring a bottle of champagne as well? 

Why not put the Government on the spot with a more sensible question. “We the opposition support the acquisition of vaccines from Japan and would like to ask the Government what they are doing to secure more vaccines in the coming months?”    

But the politicization of Covid appears to know no bounds. 

Healthcare should be largely outside of party politics, much like education. The health and education of the people are paramount issues, correct? Broadly speaking everyone should be pulling together to achieve the best result and put aside political point-scoring and stop wasting precious time with  ridiculous theatrics in Parliament on such issues. Particularly at a time of national emergency.       

At least the UK and US seem to be trying hard to avoid their political differences and there is at least a sense of bipartisanship over Covid and what is probably their greatest threat since World War Two.

Many other countries have also seen the political divide narrow over the Covid issue as they work hard to do the best for their populations...Not in Taiwan, apparently.

After weeks of, frankly, idiotic questions and attacks on the Health Minister by the opposition in Parliament, comes an admission by the Deputy Taipei City Mayor that she is not picking up his calls, despite the fact she is supposed to be the Deputy Commander for Taipei for dealing with virus and attends daily meetings at the Ministry. 

At the zenith of the effort to deal with the pandemic, the rollout of the vaccine, and at a time other cities around the country are, as I write, lining people up and sticking needles in their arms, Taipei City has yet to get its act together.

She, and I'll say it again...Is Not Picking Up Her Phone to the Minister for Health. To then boast about it on Facebook is breathtakingly arrogant and a slap in the face to the people she is there to represent. 

To my mind, that is almost criminal dereliction of public duty and displays an utter contempt of the people of Taipei she is supposed to protect and serve. 

I'm sure the oath of office she swore would have said she promised to do both. Instead she plays childish political games and, much like her boss, blames the Central Government for her own local failings.

Her boss seems to believe other Cities are doing better than Taipei because of “Insider Trading” which is not only a meaningless and weak metaphor, but displays a victim complex only surpassed by his inadequacy and ability to deal with the situation. 

Taiwan has thus far weathered the Covid storm extremely well, just compare the statistics to most other countries around the world, and is in fact in the upper echelons of a select group of countries who have dealt with the crisis efficiently and effectively.

It is noticeable how in many countries there is more of a sense of common purpose and members of opposing political parties are not at daggers’ drawn over Covid but are adopting a more bipartisan stance towards the crisis. They are at each other’s throats over other things like the last election in the US or Brexit in the UK, but in terms of the healthcare dilemma there is a more palpable sense of pulling together for the common good.

You also see proactive suggestions by opposition parties that appear lacking in Taiwan. Britain’s main opposition party Labour, for example, was pressing the UK Government to implement greater restrictions and testing at airports last September summer when Covid cases started to accelerate and stood at around 6,000 a day. 

Cases peaked around 60,000 per day four months later so a thoughtful opposition party backed by apparently good analysis of the situation was ignored. Johnson’s ruling Conservatives are broadly thought to have done a bad job on Covid and it has affected their popularity. Come the next election, voters will remember this kind of thing and this is how you win elections, by being smart and demonstrating that you could have done a better job. 

Maybe the apparently daft opposition questions here happen because the Government has been doing a fantastic job in controlling Covid, and continues to do so by any international measure. Or, just as likely, the caliber of opposition members is just not that good and they are just not capable of doing better analysis for themselves before opening their mouths.

An excellent cartoon doing the rounds on Facebook was pointed out to me yesterday. It shows the Health Minister shoulding a huge backpack leading a group of the country’s Mayors away from a huge snarling Covid bug with New Taipei City and Taipei City sitting, or languishing on the ground bringing up the rear.

It very much summed up my perception of the situation, with some Members of Parliament and local leaders waiting for the Government to do everything, criticizing them at every turn and complaining, but not doing very much to help.         

The US and UK are, of course, more mature democracies and you have to wonder whether the KMT at least is so used to being in power for the bulk of the time since 1949 they just don’t know how to be an effective opposition.

That really has to change and any opposition party in Taiwan has to learn to come up with more constructive criticism of the administration if democracy is to flourish and they stand a better chance of regaining power. At the end of the day, that is their ultimate goal.

Opposition MPs, and others would do well to accept that fact, have a little sense of bipartisanship in a time of national crisis and, please, think before they speak or criticise. It is necessary to think and be creative and constructive if you want to be an effective opposition, sadly there is not a huge amount of evidence there is much of that going on, in Taiwan at least. 

有一種人,在英國被稱為「酒吧裡的人」(Man in the Pub)。





這些簡單的陳述對國家有什麼幫助? 他們是怎麼了完全無法提出有建設性的批評? 說這些話的人顯然不認為他們是民主進程的一部分,他們只是在進行無意義的抨擊並試圖獲得政治紅利。但他們不會得分,因為此類攻擊終究會得到他們應有的蔑視。

這是非常可悲的,因為反對黨對民主運作非常重要,而這些反對陣營的狙擊手卻停留在政黨政治的泡泡中,他們無視現實,沒有為台灣帶來更大的好處。 對投票給他們的人來說這是一種侮辱,彷彿他們連想出任何稍稍合理的貢獻都懶,他們的質疑極端平庸且毫無貢獻。

用英文來說這是大腦放屁政治 (Brain Fart Politics):「哦,現在我需要攻擊政府,因為我是反對黨議員……呃,呃,我知道了!為什麼日本不給台灣更多疫苗?」,然後他們鬆了一口氣,因為終於問了個問題。


醫療保健應該在很大程度上脫離黨派政治,就像教育一樣。人民的健康和教育是最重要的,對嗎? 廣義而言每個人都應該齊心協力,在這兩方面取得最佳結果,並在此類問題上將政治紅利和議會中的荒謬劇擱置一旁,特別是在國家面臨緊急狀態的時候。


在反對黨對衛福部長進行了數週提問和攻擊之後,老實說那些問題通常很愚蠢,台北市副市長承認她沒有接聽國家總指揮官的電話,儘管她擔任台北市疫情副指揮官, 也出席在衛福部舉行的每日疫情會議。






看看我的母國,主要反對黨工黨在去年 9 月向英國政府施壓,提出在機場實施更大限制和檢測的政策,但是很可惜並沒有被採納,當時陽性病例已經達到每天 6,000 例左右。四個月後,病例達到每天約 60,000 起的高峰。雖然在當時這個建議被忽略了,但是反對黨確實提出一個做過很好的分析,並且深思熟慮的建議。這不同於台灣反對黨在零星幾個病例出現,就要求全面篩檢。


也許台灣反對黨提出顯而易見的愚蠢問題,是因為去年政府在防堵病毒方面做得非常出色,並且以任何國際標準來看,現在還是繼續這樣進行。 或者,另一個可能性是反對黨成員的素質並不那麼好,他們只是單純無法在開口之前深思熟慮。



和台灣相比,美國和英國當然是更成熟的民主國家,但你不得不懷疑國民黨是否太習慣於自 1949 年以來的長時期掌權,他們或許只是不知道如何當一個有效的反對黨。這個情形得改變,民主蓬勃發展會讓反對黨有更好的機會執政,任何反對黨都必須學會對政府提出具建設性的批評和建議。歸根結底,執政是他們的最終目標。



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